Friday, December 30, 2011

Chicken Butt Finished!

Chicken Butt Finished!
Originally uploaded by sandyquiltz
Just a short blog post to announce a UFO finish... woot woot! You may remember this guy from my stash mystery challenge (this post, and this one, and finally, this one). Chicken Butt is finally completely done!

I didn't do a whole lot of quilting on him--just one fairly close outline, then one a little further out, then a funky wide meander for the rest. That's partly because the quilting wasn't the point on this one, but also because he had a little puckering from the threadpainting and I needed to give the fabric room to breathe--the puckering did pretty much quilt out, yay.

The white stars (or snowflakes, however you want to interpret them) were a very belated decision, after I already had the backing and binding done. So you can see the back of the embroidery on the back of the wallhanging--normally you'd do that first and cover it up with the backing. But, oh well, it's not like I'd ever hang this guy backside out on the wall. After all, he's already backside out. What would be the point?

He still makes me smile.