Saturday, January 7, 2012

Extreme Blog Makeover

Well, not really. I'm just trying to help myself be a more regular blogger in 2012.

I've decided I'm going to try some "theme days" to help spur my ideas for writing, which may help me write more frequently. I'll still have times when I'm on the road or so bowled over with other responsibilities that I miss something, but this should at least help me move it along a bit. Plus, I really want to follow through with a couple of things I've posted about recently, and theme days will help me do that.

So, for at least the next little while:

Slow Quilt Mondays--I'll post here some inspiration or thoughts about a Slow Quilt Movement. If you feel like you need the reminder to slow down, these posts will hopefully help in that regard.

Donation Project Wednesday--Updates on donation projects I've got going, highlighting projects I've found in other places that may be of inspiration, lifting up donation projects of listeners/readers. The emphasis will be on "attractive!"

Food Fridays--see previous blog post on this one.

The rest of the time is an all-out free-for-all, blogwise.

What do you think?