Wednesday, March 27, 2013

This Blog Has Now Moved

Please note: this blog is now available at

There is a new RSS feed for blog posts available on the sidebar of the new blog, but for speed's sake (and because I want to keep you as a subscriber!) here it is:

(If that doesn't work in your feed reader for some reason, try replacing the "feed" with "http". It all depends on the feed reader.)

You can also subscribe to the new blog by email if you'd like--you'll see the link for that on the side of the new blog page as well.

The podcast is still available at the same feed as it always has been, but the show notes for each episode have been moved to the new site. However, will get you there as it always has.

If, for some reason, you use that link and still see my old Podbean site (which you shouldn't, but just in case), you may need to clear your cache and try again. But I think we've got everything all copacetic now.

I have disabled comments on this blog and will no longer be posting here. Please join me at the new site instead--it's much prettier! And you'll want to do so right now--I'm about to start some super-exciting giveaways in celebration of my Third Podcastaversary!